RS Games Web Client Readme

Version Beta 0.3
Last Updated: 08/18/10


Welcome to the RS Games Web Client, a new and exciting game platform created by ZanoSoft and RS Games! The RS Games client is a revolutionary game client that allows people to play games against each other through a central server hosted by RS Games. Unlike RS Games Monopoly, which was a single game, the RS Games client allows players to play multiple games. This means that when RS Games releases a new multiplayer title, you can easily start playing from the convenient client, without downloading any new software. Perhaps the most exciting feature of this new release is that it is cross-platform, that is, users of the Linux and Macintosh operating systems can now enjoy RS Games Monopoly, RS Games Uno, and any future multiplayer titles we release. each other through a central server hosted by RS Games. Unlike RS Games Monopoly, which was a single game, the RS Games Web Client allows players to play multiple games, from one website. When we release a new game, there is no need to find a new link or to download any new software. Like RS Monopoly, you can play with any web browser, on Windows, Linux, Mac, and even your smartphone! This document will familiarize you with how the client works. Since new games may be released without an update to the client, a link to the game documentation is provided at the bottom of this document. Activate that link to view help for specific games. Welcome to the RS Games Web Client, a new and exciting game platform created by ZanoSoft and RS Games! The RS Games client is a revolutionary game client that allows people to play games against

License Agreement

The RS Games client is proprietary software, which may not be reverse engineered, disassembled, redistributed, or tampered with in any way withoutthe expressed written permission from the developers of the client, ZanoSoft and RS Games. The ZGP protocol, which is utilized by the RS Games client for the transmission of game data, may be released upon request by the creators of said protocol, ZanoSoft and RS Games, but any unauthorized use is prohibitted. Furthermore, no third party client may be created, or allowed to connect to the RS Games server, without expressed written permission from the server host, ZanoSoft and RS Games.

Changes In This New Client

This new web client has quite a few changes, both visible and under the hood, compared to the older version Monopoly In-Browser.

Visible Changes

Instead of text being added to the webpage, and one giant clump of buttons, the new client organizes all this information much better. The first change you will notice is the general look of the webpage. Many users have said the bland, black text on white background, was hard on the eyes. We agreed 100%, and have decided to make the color scheme a bit more attractive. Now you will see orange text on a gray background, which we find more attractive. (If you would like to suggest a better color scheme, please email us at The second change you will notice is the page is divided into headings. The first heading is the Text History heading, which neatly shows you all the information in a box. If you would like to see past information in this box, simply scroll up. Another heading is the Choice heading. This heading will appear and disappear depending on the situation. (For example: If the server needs you to choose an option such as Yes/No, then this heading will appear with two buttons.) The final heading, Main Buttons, are covered later in this file.

Under The Hood

Starting with the release of this client, we've switched the web client over to a brand new socket library called Orbited. It is much faster and more stable than the one used in old, Monopoly In-Browser version. Monopoly In-Browser was one of the first JavaScript, and the first browser game the developers have ever written. Therefore, it contained some bugs and wasn't all that fun to use. In this new version, we have written the entire code from scratch. It is more stable, and easier to use than Monopoly In-Browser.

System Requirements

Modern Browsers

To run the RS Games Web Client on your computer, all you need is a modern browser supporting JavaScript, and an Internet Connection.

To start playing the client, all you need to do is visit The RS Games Web Client URL

Client Concepts

Interaction between you and the client is done through the text history box and buttons. As a result, it is very intuitive and easy to use.


The most important aspect of the RS Games client is the menus. Menus are used when choosing from several options. For example, each game has a main menu, with options such as New Game, Join Game, and List Games. You might also use menus to choose from a hand of cards, or answer Yes or No to a prompt, and those are only a few examples.

To use a menu, simply click on the option you with to choose.

Keyboard Commands/Buttons

The RS Games Web Client operates on the same protocol the downloadable client does. The downloadable client uses keystrokes, where as the web client uses buttons. You can find a list of what the keystrokes would be, under the Main Buttons heading. Keystrokes/Main Buttons are specific to each game, and are covered in each game's documentation.

Loading the client

When you go to the web client, it will automatically connect to the RS Games server. Once the connection has been made between your browser and the server, you will be presented with a menu. In all menus, you can simply click the button to select a choice.

Logging In

You will use one account to access all games in the RS Games client. If you don't yet have an account, you should choose Create a New Account from the menu. You will be asked to enter your desired username, and an email address. The email address you supply must be valid, since a temporary password will be sent to the address. We strongly recommend you change your password to something you can remember. You can do this by choosing the change password option from the main menu.

Note: Please only create one account per person. If you have more than one person in your household using the RS Games client, this is perfectly okay, but there is no need for one person to have more than one account. If an administrator finds a person to have more than one account, all but one account will be deleted.

If you already have an account, choose the first option in the menu, Login with an Existing Account, and enter your username and password.

If you forget your password, you can reset it by going to and choosing the forgot password link. Enter either your username or the email address you used to create your account. You should receive an email with a link you must click or paste into your web browser. When you click this link, you will receive a second email with a new, temporary password. We strongly suggest you change this to something you can remember.

The Main Menu

Once you log in, you are presented with a menu where you can choose a game to play. You can also change your password by choosing the appropriate option, entering your current password and a new password twice for confirmation.

Viewing the History

The RS Games Web client keeps track of all messages in a box so you can review them. Simply scroll up or down to see older or newer messages.

Game Instructions

Since new games may be released without updates to the RS Games client, instructions for playing each game can be found on the RS Games website. Click here to go to the game documentation page. Documentation for each specific game is written for the downloadable client. Therefore, some things such as keystrokes will not apply to the web client (you will see them under the Main Buttons heading, with a description on what it does.) For example, the Monopoly documentation may say press F1 to Chat with the developers. Under the Main Buttons heading, you will see a button called Chat with developers.


Thanks go out to the following people for helping to create the RS Games Web Client