RS Games Toss Up

Version (Beta) 1
Last Updated: 12/07/14


Welcome to RS Games Toss Up, an accessible, online, multiplayer version of the dice game Toss Up. RS Games Toss Up utilizes the RS Games client, which allows players to play against each other from around the world, via the centralized RS Games server.

To get started, you will need the RS Games client installed. TO get the RS Games client if you don't have it already, go to connecting and logging into the server are covered in the RS Games client documentation. Alternatively, you can use the web client, from which you can play by using your web browser. The web client can be found in the "Quick Links" section on the RS Games home page.

This document assumes you have read the RS Games client documentation first, for general concepts and instructions on using the client. If you have not read this document, please read it before continuing.

If you are using the web client, options referred to as keyboard commands in this document will appear as buttons on the web page.

The Main Menu

Once you are connected, choose Toss Up from the list of games, and you will be presented with the main menu. From there, you can create a new game, join a game, or see a list of existing games. Choose an option using the up and down arrow keys and the enter key, or by clicking on the option if you are using the web client.

Creating a New Game

If you choose to create a new game, you will be asked if you want to make the game private. If you choose yes, you can set a password, and only those who know the password will be able to join. You will then be asked if you want to adjust the target score. If you do, you'll be asked to enter the new target score. The target score is the score needed to win the game. After you have made your choices, you will be placed in your game. Here, players will be able to join your game.


Bots are computer players who will play against you if there are no other humans around to play with, or if you want to add more players to your game. If you are the creator of the game, you can press B to add a bot, or R to remove a bot.

Starting The Game

Once you are ready to start the game, press the Enter key.

Joining a Game

To join a game, choose the Join Game option from the main menu. You will be presented with a list of games that are open for players, along with the people playing in each game. Choose a game from the list, and press enter. If the game is private, you will then be asked to enter the password. Once you are in the game, you must wait for the game master to start the game.

Playing Toss Up

Toss Up is a simple yet fun game. The rules of the game are similar to traffic rules. Green means Go, Yello means Warning, and Red means Stop. The object of the game is to throw special dice and keep green ones, worth one point each, in order to eventually reach a predetermined target score.

Start of Game

When the game starts, one player is randomly selected to go first. Play begins with that player, then proceeds in the order determined by when people joined the game.

Taking your Turn

When it's your turn, begin by rolling the ten dice. Each die has three green sides, two yello sides, and one red side. Any dice that come up green are set aside, and are worth one point each. You can then roll the remaining dice in hopes of scoring more points.

If you don't roll any green dice, but all yello dice, nothing happens, and you can roll again. If you don't roll any green dice, and roll even one red die, you have hit a red light. In this case, your turn is over, and you lose your score for this turn.

The game is menu-driven. Any time it's your turn to roll, you can select to roll the dice, end your turn and bank your score, or leave the game. You must have scored some points before you can bank, of course. You can bank your score when you want to save your current score, or if you have a fear of hitting a red light and losing your turn. Once points are banked, they are safe, as you can never lose them.

When All Dice are Green

If, in one or several rolls, all ten dice eventually come up green, you can roll all ten dice again. Of course, in that situation, you can also bank your score.

Ending your Turn

When your turn is over, either because you banked your score or because you hit a red light, the ten dice are passed to the next player, who then rolls them.

Winning the Game

A player who banks his or her score, and by doing so, obtains a banked score equal to or greater than a certain number of points has a chance to win the game. This winning score is normally 100, but can be changed by the game master at the time the game is created. Everybody else will be given one last turn to try to beat the winning score, and whoever has the highest score at the end of this final round will win the game.

In Game Keyboard Commands

There are several keyboard commands that can be used to get information about your current game. You can always press Ctrl+H to get a quick reminder of these keystrokes.


You can chat with other players at any point during game play by pressing the F2 key, typing your message into the input box and pressing enter. You can also chat at the main menu to other players who are not currently in a game, also by pressing F2.

Background music

To change the volume of the background music during the game, use F3 to lower the volume and F4 to raise the volume. You can also adjust the volume of the sound effects with F5 and F6 to lower or raise the volume, respectively.


You can opt to receive a transcript of your game, that is, an email containing the entire text of your game. When you leave a game, you will be asked if you would like to receive a transcript. If you would, choose Yes, and the transcript will be sent to the email address you used when creating your RS Games account. You can also press F11 during the game, rather than wait until you leave the game to decide.


Thanks to the following people for helping to create Toss Up:

support and Contact Information

If you have any problems using any of the games released by RS Games, or have a question, bug report, suggestion, feature request, or anything else, feel free to contact RS Games by sending an email to

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